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Thanks to everybody who made calls for tonight's Callective!
I'm taking a break from soundboards, and I'm making my own calls! We're causing some mall chaos by borrowing some lightbulbs. Including: A solid final boss call!
Friday night jam session in the 101.1 The butt DJ booth.
DJ style mixshow of a bunch of old school tracks. Thanks to everybody for hanging out! I only expected to jam for an hour, but thanks to you, it was almost 4 hours of mixing. God damn!
Great afternoon of hangin' with cool people, hitting buttons, and having some laughs! Hope ya feel better @icecat!!
This is the live uncut episode! Tonight's episode includes prank calls from Miley, Jayden, @DespicableDogs, Drake Dragsaw, @GreenImp, @Snappybakes, @420cat, @Icecat, Jigsta, @DrTomServo, @MolinWolf, @IRegretJumping & his daughter, and more!
Thanks to the organizing crew @Iregretjumping, @despicabledogs, @icecat, @criefaux, @drtomservo, and anyone else I missed for giving me the chance to host tonight!
For previous episodes:
Episode1: DespicableDogs
Episode2: Icecat
Episode3: CrieFaux
Tonight I get to host THE CALLECTIVE in the World of Prank Calls Discord (I'll be streaming it to Prankcast), so this mornings show was to do a few things:
Thanks to @Icecat and @Milkbox for allowing me to use their audio.
Going into Christmas, let's just be DONE with it.
Tonight I was in the mood to do something different. Inspired by the other awesome music programs on Prankcast, I did a music show, with a bunch of cheesy tunes beatmixed into one gross little package! I had a blast mixing music and hanging with you all, it was truly a ton of fun. Enjoy the Andy Dance Party, live to air from the Garys Grease Arena, only on 101.1 The Butt!
Friday Night program featuring clips from Icecat who is DONE WITH IT, Milkbox who demands that you be apologizin', Jim who is talkin' about us stayin' there? Totally a soundboard show. Despite the amount of ringing phones, it was a blast hittin' the buttons and causing confusion.
I started the show with the intent to call one specific placeโฆ.who didn't answer. So about 20-30 minutes into the show, we found our groove playing @milkbox clips, and got some apologies. Thanks for hangin' out for a little unofficial Pranksgiving fun.